Meazure Learning Request for Diagnostic Reports and/or Rescoring

Please select the Organization with which you took your exam below:
Organization: {{selectedOrg.OrgName}}
To view a list of frequently asked questions about this form, please click here.
Q: What is a diagnostic report?
A: A diagnostic report is a performance report on a particular portion of the certification examination. It breaks down the individual’s total score into the areas tested to describe strengths and weaknesses. Diagnostic reports are available for a limited time following the testing date. Please consult the certification program’s candidate guide or candidate communications for the appropriate timeline.
Q: What is a manual rescore?
A:This process entails taking an individual’s answer sheet and manually scoring each response to ensure that no error(s) occurred during the computer scoring of the candidate’s test. (NOTE: This service is only for paper-and-pencil based examinations and does not guarantee a score will change.) Manual rescore requests are available for a limited time following the testing date. Please consult the certification program’s candidate guide or candidate communications for the appropriate timeline.
Q: What is a comparative review?
A:This process entails taking an individual’s answers and manually scoring each response to ensure that no error(s) occurred during the computer scoring of the candidate’s test. (NOTE: This service is only for internet-based examinations and does not guarantee a score will change.) Comparative review requests are available for a limited time following the testing date. Please consult the certification program’s candidate guide or candidate communications for the appropriate timeline.
Q: What is included in a request for an Additional Score Report?
A: It will be a sealed copy of your score results, mailed via standard USPS to the address that you request on this form.
To submit a request, you may find your information by using your name, email, and exam date or using your exam password.
If you do not have this information, contact Meazure Learning and you will recieve a code that can be used to find your information.
Fill out the form below to find your information. First name, last name, and exam date are required.
First and Last Name of Tester:
Tester Email Address:
Date of Exam (mm/dd/yyyy):
If you have the password you used for an online exam, enter it here to find your information.
Candidate Exam Password:
If you have received a code from Meazure Learning, enter it here to find your information.
Meazure Learning Code:
Please select your exam from the dropdown to the right.
First Name:
Last Name:
Company Name:
Examination Name:
Examination Date:
{{selectedExam.ExamDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}
Zip Code:
Select the Score Review Type you wish to purchase from the dropdown below.
Score Review Type:
Credit Card Number:
Card Number is too long
Card Number is too short
Card Number contains invalid characters
Score Review Description:
Credit Card Expiration Date:
Invalid expiration date.
Credit Card Security Code:
Invalid Security Code
By clicking “Submit Payment,” I authorize Meazure Learning to charge my credit card. Credit card statements will reflect the Meazure Learning name as the payee.
  • You must select a Score Review Type
  • Invalid credit card number
  • Invalid Candidate Info

Payment Received. Please print this page for your records.

Name: {{candidateInfo.FirstName}} {{candidateInfo.LastName}}
Date: {{today}}
Score Review Type Purchased: {{selectedType.Description}}
Price: ${{selectedType.Price}}
Transaction Number: {{transactionNumber}}